CBG is honored to be the nation's preeminent builder of quality housing for service members and their families.
The Villages at BelvoirFort Belvoir, VA
The Villages of BenningFort Benning, GA
Harbor Bay at MacDillTampa, FL
San Diego Family HousingNV, CA
Wounded Warrior Home ProjectFort Belvoir, VA
Bolling Family HousingWashington, DC
The Parks at Monterey BayMonterey, CA
Fort Belvoir WIT BarracksFort Belvoir, VA
The Villages at Fort IrwinFort Irwin, CA
Fort Lee AIT BarracksFort Lee, VA
Liberty Park at AndrewsAndrews AFB, MD
MCLB AlbanyAlbany, GA
Pacific BeaconSan Diego, CA
Quantico Family HousingQuantico, VA
Wescoat Village at MoffettMountain View, CA
The Village at Camp ParksDublin, CA