Clark Realty Builders Is First to Qualify for Maryland Occupational Safety & Health Program
SALISBURY, Md. — Maryland Occupational Safety & Health (MOSH) accepted Clark Realty Builders into its progressive new inspection program for companies that exceed MOSH standards for worker protection. As part of the Cooperative Compliance Partnership (CCP), Clark Realty Builders submits to a rigorous inspection and application process by the State to demonstrate the efficacy of its safety programs and personnel. The successful application for the Mill Pond community worksite makes Clark Realty Builders the first residential builder to qualify.
Clark Realty Builders Is First to Qualify for Maryland Occupational Safety & Health Program
"Clark Realty Builders has always strived for the highest standards of safety," said Jerry Phillips, safety director, Clark Realty Builders. "Our successful participation in the Cooperative Compliance Partnership underscores that commitment."
Clark Realty Builders was required to demonstrate that its safety and health program met strict criteria for efficacy, including supervisor commitment, employee participation, identification of hazards through worksite inspections, hazard prevention and control, and employee and supervisor training. The CCP is site-specific, and Clark Realty Builders was required to present its safety manual for review and pass a thorough site-visit assessment of the Mill Pond worksite. Companies that have any willful MOSH violations or that have failed to correct MOSH violations within the past five years may not participate in the CCP.
The CCP is designed to foster a cooperative relationship and open communication between employers and MOSH, as well as to recognize companies that have successfully implemented comprehensive safety and health programs.
The CCP replaces MOSH's traditional approach to inspection of work and safety performance, as long as the agreements set forth by the CCP are met. In the event of an accident, CCP participants are required to contact MOSH immediately.
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About Clark Realty Builders
Clark Realty Builders is a national, multifamily general contractor consistently ranked among the top-ten multifamily builders by Builder magazine and Multifamily Executive magazine. Clark Realty Builders is one of the country's premier builders of multifamily apartments, high-density communities, and military housing. Clark Realty Builder's professional construction team draws on the knowledge gained through building more than 50,000 housing units and nearly 100 years of affiliated experience. More information about CRB can be found at